Saturday, February 21, 2009

oRaNg Ka+a

Orang kata,
Klau kita berkawan,
Biar kekal mnjadi kwn.
Klau kita ubah,
Kwn kpd kekasih,
Akhirnya kwn jd lawan.
tapi nk buat camna,
Kalau hati dah tertawan..
kita yang merancang,
Tuhan y menntukan..

Orang kata,
Cinta itu buta.
Sapa2 pun bleh bercinta.
Mereka lupa..
Cinta boleh buat kita leka,
Cinta boleh buat kita alpa,
Cintapun boleh buat kita luka..

Orang kata,
Luka lama boleh berdarah kembali,
Semakin dalam luka,
Semakin ramai pengganti.
Kalau dah sedar pun,
Masih tercari-cari.
Kenapa masih macm ni?

Orang kata,
Cinta datang sendiri,
Tak payah susah hati.
Tapi kita suka cari sendri,
Sampai mati.

Orang kata,
Cinta tu boleh buat kita ketawa,
Cinta tu jgak boleh bwt kita merana..
Huh! padan muka..
Apa pun org kata,
Kita msti buat x peduli.
Kebahagiaan kita org cemburui,
Kekecewaan kita,
Mereka buat x reti.

Itulah gunanya kwn,
Bkn skadar teman,
Tapi bkn utk brpacaran.
Sebab tu orang kata,
Berkawan biar seribu,
Berkasih biar satu...

Monday, February 16, 2009

w!LL U bE mY vALeN+!Ne


Will you be my Valentine,
so I may love you for all time?
And when the night starts casting shadows,
I'll be the light that stands before you

Will you be my Valentine
so our lives can finally be intertwined

When I'm struggling to find hope,
your eyes remind me of what
I know
that love can last through all life has to hold.

Will you be my Valentine?

Because my love for you will never die.

I can't imagine life without you by my side

p/s :

Aku rasa blum terlambat lagi aku nak ucapkan slmt hari kekasih kepada kekasih hatiku Saifulredza a.k.a pet_bizkitz...i hope cinta kita akan bertahan selama-lamanya..until end of da day dan jgk end of my life...dan i bahagia sgt2 bersama dengan u dan i berterima kasih sbb dapat kekasih yg begitu mnyayangi dan mencintai diri ini dgn sepenuh hati...dan segala pergorbanan yg u lakukan...xterbalas i ngn kata2...dan selagi i bernafas selagi i2 i xkan mensiakan2 kan u dan i'll never leave u...i harap apa yg kita hayati akn jd kenyataan....syg...i love u so u with all my heart n my u more than everything...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

! WaN+ tO bE


There are many things that I want to be
Let me tell you in case you don't know I want to be
The shoulder you cry on when nothing goes your way
The one to catch you when you fall
The first thought you have when you wake up

I want to be

Your sunshine when you are soaked with rain
Your strength when you are weak
Your reasoning when you are confused
Your comfort when you are depressed

I want to be
The one who holds you when you are afraid
The one who listens when you speak
The one who does the things you never said
Yes, Because I want to be "the one to LOVE YOU"

I wAn+ +O spEnd mY wHoLE


I want to spend my whole life with you...only with you

A life where there is just love and love around

A life where we share our joys n sorrows lovingly

A life where we shed tears for each other smile

A life where i remain in your arms forever

A life where our sweet dreams n hopes never end

A life where we are blessed by everyone

A life where little flowers will blossom n spread its scent of joy allover

A life where we care for each others feelings
A life where
Love means worship
A life where
God himself dwells in our sweet home

I Love you